Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Periferik sinir iyileşmesinde Vardenafilin etkisi Ratlarda deneysel çalışma

25. Ulusal Türk ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, Türkiye, 27 Ekim - 01 Kasım 2015

Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Histolojiye Giriş

Diş hekimliği Öğrencileri için Histoloji ve Embriyoloji, Prof. Dr. Berrin Zuhal Altunkaynak, Dr. Işınsu ALKAN, Editör, NOBEL TIP KİTABEVLERİ, Samsun, ss.3-7, 2022

Peripheral Nerve System and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: Molecular, Morphological, and Clinical Approaches

A comprehensive guide to non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, Süleyman KAPLAN, Editör, Nova Science Publisher, Boston, ss.407-436, 2021

Effects of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine on Development of the Brain.

Melatonin, Neuroprotective Agents and Antidepressant Therapy, Francisco López-Muñoz,Venkataramanujam Srinivasan,Domenico de Berardis, Cecilio Álamo, Takahiro A. Kato, Editör, springer, New Delhi, ss.825-845, 2016

Effects of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine on Development of the Brain

Melatonin Neuroprotective Agents and Antidepressant Therapy, Francisco López-Muñoz, Venkataramanujam Srinivasan, Domenico de Berardis, Cecilio Álamo, Takahiro A. Kato, Editör, Springer India, ss.825-845, 2016

Effects of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine on Development of the Brain

Melatonin Neuroprotective Agents and Antidepressant Therapy, Francisco López-Muñoz, Venkataramanujam Srinivasan, Domenico de Berardis, Cecilio Álamo, Takahiro A. Kato , Editör, Springer, ss.825-845, 2016

Effects of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine on Development of the Brain

Melatonin, Neuroprotective Agents and Antidepressant Therapy, Francisco López-Muñoz, Venkataramanujam Srinivasan, Domenico de Berardis, Cecilio Álamo, Takahiro A. Kato, Editör, Springer, ss.825-845, 2016

Embryology of the Peripheral Nerves

Nerves and Nerve Injuries, Shane Tubbs, Elias Rizk, Mohammadali Shoja, Marios Loukas, Robert J. Spinner and Nicholas Barbaro , Editör, Elsevier, ss.37-40, 2015




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